
Pathway Coaching

As our lives evolve there are certain times when we know it is time to step off one path and on to another. The first step is to look at yourself and your situation with fresh eyes. A new page is turning. You have changed, you have some more life under your belt, it is important to make new and different choices that will bring you internal satisfaction as well as external success. Pathway coaching is an opportunity to thoughtfully open a newly fulfilling life phase that honors your authentic “best” self, your values, and the experiences you need to generate energy and joy in your life.

You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough. –Joe E. Lewis, comedian

The Private Path

Spend a half-day in a private inquiry session with Sydney. Uncover your personal behavior patterns for energy, life balance and a sense of well being, focus on finding your purpose for this time in your life, and renew your vision for a richly rewarding life.

This Path offers you:

  • Profound self-awareness that has you easily choose what is important and what isn’t
  • An insightful look at yourself from a new, unique viewpoint
  • Deep understanding of your thinking, habits, needs and patterns of fulfillment
  • Action strategies for creating positive change

Click here to Schedule your Time

or give me a call (978) 270-3048

One can always point to a time, a choice, an act that set the tone for a life and changed a personal destiny. – Carol O’Connel, writer